That’s a very good question. Why? Well, firstly I’m a bit uncomfortable with the word ‘Prepper’. Yes, I am preparing, but the term does have echoes of tin foil hat backwoodsman clinging to a gun etc. The situation here in the UK is different from that in the US and our needs are culturally contingent. We don’t have the dangerous wide open spaces and generally don’t have a distrust of central government (although that could change!)
Although things are somewhat different, The Shit could still hit the fan (although to put it a little more delicately, the brown stuff will hit the oscillating device). I prefer to think in terms of ‘resilience’.
I did get into this field several years ago but my tinned (canned) goods reached their best by date and my DW (Dear Wife) thought that canned sprouts would not do so I gave it up.
Recent world events have got me going again. There is talk of World War 3 but I doubt it. But the truth is, we face major world upheaval in Europe, the Middle East, and China and although we probably won’t have the desolation faced by US Preppers, things could get very unstable so resilience is the name of the game. Although I’m 75, I’m not ready to go be with the good Lord yet.
it’s not my intention to use this site to sell anything. I’m going to use this as a diary of what I am doing. I’ll also post some resources. They may well be copyrighted – I apologize but I’m not making money from this and knowledge needs disseminating. Sue Me.
In trying to be disciplined I will try to focus on specific areas.
13 Feb 2024 – Water
P.S. Much as I fear for people in a breakdown, there’s a part of me that says let it burn. It’s so evil. My God forgive me.